English-Danish subject dictionary in which words are arranged by subject. It contains mainly nouns and there is no attempt at explaining the grammar.
While great care has been taken in ensuring the accuracy of the dictionary it should not be used in any legal, medical, technical or similar professional context whether for advice, guidance or for any other purpose. The writer cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any physical or mental harm, injury or misunderstanding caused to or between people, their own or a third party’s property that has arisen as a result of consulting this dictionary.
This is an attempt at an English-Danish subject dictionary. Words are arranged within subjects and are mainly nouns. No explanation of grammar. It is not academic or professional, but is inspired by everyday conversations when you often wish you have the name to hand of say a spice (talking about food) or a bird seen while field walking.
The present is an expanded and partly re-edited version of the original, which seem to have been popular. © May 2019
Dette er et forsøg med en Engelsk-dansk emneordbog hvori ordene er ordnet indenfor emner. Ordbogen indeholder hovedsagligt navneord og der er intet forsøg på at forklare grammatiken.
Dette er et forsøg med en engelsk-dansk emneordbog. Ordene er ordnet indenfor emner og er hovedsagligt navneord. Ingen forklaring på grammatiken. Det er ikke akademiskt eller professionelt; men er inspireret af dagligdags samtaler, hvori man ofte ønsker at have navnet til hånde på f.eks. et krydderi (samtaler om mad) eller en fugl, set under en markvandring.
Nærværende er en udvidet og delvist omredigeret udgave af en tidligere version, der synes at have været populær. © May 2019